Piovano in China

A five-years long journey in China, 1900-1905

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Wedding dinner of Gustav Detring's daugther will be held in the Astor Hotel

Lucy Detring's marriage

Gustav Detring and Madame Detring announce the engagement of their daughter, Lucy Detring, to the Marquis Salvatore Denti di Pirayno, lieutenant of the Italian Royal Navy. He is the son of the Marquise Rosalia Denti di Pirayno, born Countess Amari of Sant Adriano from La spezia. On December the 14th wedding is planned at Saint Luis Church in Tientsin.

A winter marriage!
The most important social happening of all north China in 1901 .
All Tientsin journals are full of articles about this marriage and I'm a guest. The wedding invitation written in french says: "Monsieur et Madame Detring neƩ Bauer ont l'honour de vous faire part du mariage de leur fille Lucy avec le Marquis Denti di Pirayno, et vous prient d'assister a la benediction nuptiale qui aura bien a l'eglise de St Luois le 14 decembre a trois heures de l'apres midi. Tientsin 1901."
Lucy is very gracious and lives like a princess, I'm not surprised that she marries a Count. An italian count is more strange! However the secrets plans of her father are mysterious even for the Chinese!
Gustav Detring is a real Tycoon, the most rich man of all Asia, I think.
All Tientsin will be there.
A profusion of flowers, Ladies full of jewels, men in uniform, nobles, diplomats with their families, the most important Chinese authorities, and me, poor Luigi.
Well, I'll be in a very good company!
Then Madame Detring sends me even her personal calling card in which there is written that she receives guests " apres midi de 5 a 7 heures"... I dont' know what gift to give her! She owns everything!
Well, perhaps my presence will be sufficient!